Welcome! We would like to start off by welcoming you to the first of many newsletters that will be sent out on behalf of Sabree Therapeutic Services, LLC! The newsletters will focus on a variety of different topics related to mental health in children and adults, different coping strategies, as well as how family members […]
How to Prevent Burnout
Not many people get through life without experiencing burnout at some point. Whether it’s from working more than one job, taking care of a sick loved one, or juggling family life while going back to school, burnout is real, and it negatively impacts your life and health. Common Signs of Burnout If you think you […]
How Anger Affects the Family
As young people, we learn to interact with others based on how our family members interact with each other. Once these communication patterns become established in our young minds, sometimes it’s hard to change them as adults. This means that any relational patterns that include angry outbursts or aggressive behaviors may possibly appear in our […]
Toxic Environments, Toxic Relationships
Stress & Depression
The Fear of Getting Help
Lately, I have been reflecting on the fear of those who need help having the courage to overcome the anxiety of seeking help. I have come to the conclusion that asking for help, especially in the form of seeking counseling or psychotherapy is not an easy feat for clients in need. Why is it that […]
(800)-381-2309 | info@sabreets.com